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Michael Medock - 

President & Chief Engineer

Mr. Medock has nearly 40 years of experience directing successful engineering and construction companies and programs for utility, architectural engineering, and construction firms. His experience as principal includes business development, proposals, project and construction management, supervision and direction of technical assignments in engineering, construction, planning, scheduling, cost control, estimating, plant design, procurement, fabrication, operational training and vendor, client and architect engineer/constructor liaison. 

Mr. Medock has invaluable experience and judgment related to utility and industrial practices, preferences, and procedures. This knowledge and hands on experience provides companies and projects with the best judgement and direction in establishing priorities and reacting appropriately to insure project success. 

Mr. Medock has worked on over 70 electric power projects ranging from 3 megawatts to over 1100 megawatts using fossil (coal, gas, and oil) and alternative fuels, such as solar, gasification, biomass, LNG, hydro, geothermal and waste-to-energy, as well as nuclear installations and many advanced power technologies. 

In particular, Mr. Medock has provided and been fully responsible for over $5 billion in energy projects, from the estimating, scheduling, engineering, procurement and construction of the project to the operational training for electrical generating combined cycle plants ranging in size from 25 MW to 1000 MW.

Mr. Medock has recently completed several programs, including training on the turnkey fuel conversion on a 570 MW coal-fired boiler, three (3) 800MW coal-fired FGD systems, five (5) 625 MW coal-fired upgrades, an 800 MW repowering project, several LM 6000 projects, including a 280 MW LM 6000 combined cycle and cogeneration facility, an 80 MW combined landfill gas recovery and waste-to-energy facility, and he has also provided installations of over 30 boilers and steam systems. Mr. Medock's responsibilities include third party certification for design, construction and operation of units totaling over 355 MW. Acting as an authorizing agent for the California Energy Commission, Mr. Medock is responsible for approval and certification of power plants. 

Mr. Medock’s experience also includes a $160 million rebuild of two 225 MW B&W gas fired super-critical steam generators, replacing all pressure part work on waterwalls and reheat elements, and rebuilding two 225- megawatt cross-compound turbine generator units. These units were designed lower than the air quality standards in Southern California, setting the new standard (LAW) for state-of-the-art NOx and CO emission systems. The plant modification contained a new electrical and plant distribution system, including new steam turbine generator controls, new condensate polishing system, and the replacement of all major piping. This fast track program was completed in only 12 months, which included the conceptual design, supply of equipment and material, detailed design, construction, management, start-up and operational training.

Mr. Medock was successfully responsible for a $50 million project converting landfill gas to energy (the world's largest) power plant for the Los Angeles County Sanitation District. This fast track program was completed in only 19 months, which included the conceptual design, supply of equipment and material, detailed design, construction management, start-up and operational training. Since it began operation in January 1987, this plant has been operating at 97% availability. 

Mr. Medock was also instrumental in pollution reduction systems in the United States, especially in California, using both catalytic and first non-catalytic processes. The initial systems designed by NEC became state-of-the-art in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Many of the processes were able to achieve a 90% reduction in power operations. 

Mr. Medock has a reputation for delivering top-quality work with a predominant electrical energy, alternate fuel, and power background in both small power producing projects and central electric power generating facilities. 

Mr. Medock performed evaluation and studies on various types of technologies for alternate fuels and investigated several technologies for air pollution control, both particle and gaseous emissions. His assignments on various projects include design, specifications, procurement, estimating, construction, scheduling, cost control, and system engineering and operational supervision. 

Mr. Medock has developed and worked on the following types of facilities: 


"World's Cleanest Thermal Plant" Huntington Beach, California, USA 

Concentrated Solar Thermal to Energy

Mohave Desert, California, USA

DP&L Generating Stations, with a capacity of approximately 2600 Megawatts,

Ohio, USA

Westar Energy 2400 Megawatts

Jeffrey Energy Center, Kansas, USA 

Landfill Gas to Energy

At the Arizona Public Service Company, Mr. Medock directed and established the conceptual engineering and construction planning, developed the procedures, schedules, guidelines, and the contractual agreement for Cholla Unit 5, a $600 million, 350 MW coal-fired power plant. He was responsible for all administrative, contractual, and technical functions for a $500 million expansion program to install two FGD air quality control systems at Four Corners Coal-Fired Generating Station Units 4 and 5. Part of this assignment included selecting and managing the engineering and construction firm for these projects. He was responsible for the installation and testing of two 56 MW combustion turbines, a 350 MW FGD scrubbing system, and a 160 MW gas scrubbing system. He was also part of the APS committee to develop a 500 MW standard coal-fired plant with several western utilities and has developed a CPM scheduling system for the company. 

At the Ralph Parsons Company, Mr. Medock was responsible in the development of a 303 MW Tokamak nuclear reactor power plant with General Atomics Company. This included a spent-nuclear fuel storage facility at ERDA's Idaho National Laboratory, a conceptual and engineering evaluation program for EPRI in determining the best power generating facility in a coal liquefaction and gasification complex (this was one of the precursors for Combustion Turbine Cogeneration Programs), a combined cycle desalting-power facility for Saudi Arabia, and three sulfur recovery and steam generation plants for ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia. 

Mr. Medock has been Chairman and Speaker at many worldwide power and energy conferences and has authored several energy and environmental articles in major publications as a recognized authority due to his achievements in his 40 years’ experience in the electrical power generation field.

North Energy Central © 2021 | Main - 949.281.3522 | Fax - 949.494.0222 

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